48 Quotes on Business, Life, and Personal Branding by Isaac Mashman

Isaac Mashman
10 min readApr 17, 2021

You have full permission to use any of these quotes in a reasonable manner as long as you attribute credit to the author and leave a do-follow link to isaacmashman.com when applicable.

Isaac Mashman in Little Rock, Arkansas 2023.

People get too big to do the little things and then wonder why they don’t have the big results. — Isaac Mashman

In order to have massive success you should be willing to do tasks regardless of size. Yes, it’s important to get to the point where you can delegate, but one should never get cocky with what they do or do not do.

It comforts me to know that anything I put my mind to, and pursue, I can achieve. — Isaac Mashman

All success starts with a decision. This is why if you want something, you decide to go after it regardless of the challenge in which you are faced. Know that we as humans create our limits.

Building your personal brand is one of the few ways you can ensure that you don’t stay broke. — Isaac Mashman

Your personal brand is YOU! It is who you are. What people know you as. What you specialize in. Establishing your personal brand leads to increased credibility, higher numbers, and an endless list of other benefits.

At the center of all achievement is personal growth. — Isaac Mashman

This is the center of my previous podcast, Chase the Vision with Isaac Mashman podcast, and of everything I stand for. Think about it, people attend college to educate themselves and increase their value in the marketplace. It is quite literally a form of personal growth.

Competition only exists in your head, not in the marketplace. — Isaac Mashman

Instead of being consumed by the thought of your competition beating you, embrace the fact that competition truly only exists in your mind. The more time you put towards beating previous versions of yourself, the less time you have dwelling on the so-called “competition” around you.

Be the one who sets the trend, not the one who follows it. — Isaac Mashman

This quote is self-explanatory.

Chase the vision regardless of what other people do, say, or think. — Isaac Mashman

We’re oftentimes confronted by other people who believe it’s their duty to give us their opinions or stand in our way for “our best interest”. You should chase after your vision regardless.

You either make business your lifestyle, or business becomes your lifestyle. — Isaac Mashman

Instead of being unaware of how business can affect your life, I encourage people to build their lifestyle around business. This keeps them in total control and eliminates the chance of being caught off guard.

Public relations, as with all forms of branding and marketing is manipulation. This is why you have to have a firm ethic standing to engage in these practices. — Isaac Mashman

This may come as controversial, but I believe much of our present-day revolves around manipulation. We are either being manipulated by other businesses or doing the manipulation in building our own. This is where ethics and moral standing come in.

High pressure salesmen focus on the short term incentives to outweigh the long term cons. — Isaac Mashman

There have been times in the past when I have burned relationships because I was too pushy with my sales approach. It takes finesse and patience to close.

Others may call it excessive, but I say it’s not. — Isaac Mashman

This is the headline and intro for my newest podcast “Call It Excessive with Isaac Mashman.” People will always question the size and extremities of your actions, but I’m here to tell you to keep it up.

The beautiful thing about developing your personal brand is the larger it becomes, the more your value increases. — Isaac Mashman

Just like the A-list actor can pretty much guarantee a box office hit or the #1 Artist who continuously charts on Billboard, as your personal brand scales successes will become easier and more consistent.

Your personal brand when consciously built can be a force for good, or a force for destruction. — Isaac Mashman

The reason WW2 happened was one man’s idea and vision were communicated to the masses and then believed and followed through on. Personal branding caused millions of deaths when you see it in this light. Your personal brand has more power than you may believe.

Successful people who wish to maintain their successes must make the decision to do so. — Isaac Mashman

Like obtaining and keeping a healthy stature, successes require maintenance. At any moment it can be taken away or harmed.

Generational curses are actually blessings in disguise; the mistakes were already made for you, now all you have to do is apply the solutions. — Isaac Mashman

A powerful quote and one of my favorites, our ancestors and parents already screwed up. We have to become aware of them and work to ensure they don’t happen again.

Feeling uncomfortable about a situation is oftentimes the indicator that growth is about to take place. — Isaac Mashman

That butterfly feeling you get when attempting something new or when you are put into a situation where you’re out of place should be trusted!

Envisioning without action, is the equivalent of praying without faith. — Isaac Mashman

In the Book of James in the Bible, it’s said that “faith without works is dead.” This infers faith has to be followed up with action and I believe this applies to business, relationships, and all other aspects of our lives.

True fame is not determined by the amount of people who heard of you, rather by the amount of people who support you. — Isaac Mashman

There are plenty of examples of people who are known by millions of people, yet can’t sell concert tickets or T-shirts when they drop merchandise. The difference between these people and those who have a fanatical fan base is TRUST.

Influence without control is a weapon of mass destruction. — Isaac Mashman

The ability to influence one person, let alone hundreds of millions is something that requires education. One message, one post, and one phrase can lead to so many dark paths, as well as wonderful ones.

To give support should be commonplace in our society, not to be asked for. — Isaac Mashman

This may appear utopian, but how difficult is it to help a stranger out? To hold the door when you see a person coming, or assist an elderly person with groceries.

Movies take years to bring to theater, but hours to watch. Strikingly similar to success. — Isaac Mashman

A discussion on preparation versus enjoyment, you are the only person who is there for 100% of your successes. There are no overnight successes.

It is possible for a person to change, this change however must occur willingly, and should never be forced. — Isaac Mashman

Guidance vs. demands. The person who makes demands is not respected and will never inspire true change, whereas the leader who guides and offers counsel will. You can’t force a person to be different.

To focus on your legacy when you’re alive, is to detract from the time you could spend building it. — Isaac Mashman

I despise the legacy conversation in our culture. I understand the want to do good and leave something behind but legacy is established off of the back of your life’s actions. Do great things in your life and leave a great legacy.

The questions that keep us up at night are the questions which drive us during the day. — Isaac Mashman

When I find myself thinking about something at night, I often address it the following morning. To have something in your life that you care so deeply about it finds you in moments of relaxation, indicates you are on the right path.

To act out of desperation is to act out of instinct. To let oneself get to that point however, is to ignore self-preservation. — Isaac Mashman

Many of our issues can be solved by not making excuses and executing when we know we need to. Desperation is curated by procrastination.

There is as much to be learned from a man with little, as there is from a man with much. — Isaac Mashman

I often use the example that you can learn what not to do from a homeless man, and what to do from the millionaire. Everyone has insights, some are simply the opposite of what you want.

A mindset of abundance can only be guided and influenced, never forced. — Isaac Mashman

It is impossible to wake up one day and automatically think in abundance. It takes time and conscious effort to eventually trigger the subconscious and make lasting changes.

To feel obligated to finish all of your food is to be living with a mindset of scarcity. It is the little things from our childhood that have the longest impact. — Isaac Mashman

Growing up many times I felt pressured to eat all of the food on my plate because I didn’t want to waste my family’s money. I thought that it was a requirement. Turns out, I was operating from a place of scarcity.

Withstanding hardships is a sort of sport. You can’t control how life plays, but you can control your defensive strategy. — Isaac Mashman

Certain things will come at you unexpectedly. A loved one may fall ill, you lose a client, and the government bumps your taxes. Whatever the outcome, you have control over how you respond.

Music allows me to disconnect from my present reality, and communicate to my future wisdom. — Isaac Mashman

It may be ADHD of me, but I work best when loud music is blaring in the background. I drown out and get things done. Other times, when I listen to what I call success rap, I visualize being in the place I am working towards.

The very answers in which we seek are staring back at us in every reflection. — Isaac Mashman

Instead of going to another person for advice and validation, have you ever tried coming up with the answers yourself?

To settle is to die. To not settle implies that death is avoidable. — Isaac Mashman

Symbolism does not always reflect reality, however, it is a nice thought.

It is normal to feel alone at the start of any journey. It’s the people who you meet along your travels that make the trip more interesting. — Isaac Mashman

When I started out, outside of my friend group and family I didn’t know anyone. As I progressed, I met so many interesting folks who helped me along and whom I shared growth, laughs, and stories with.

At the start of every conversation ask yourself what can I give, not what can I take. — Isaac Mashman

What I refer to as the Lasting Impression of Increase, after each interaction the person on the other end needs to leave feeling better off than when they first started talking with you. Solve one of their problems, provide guidance, or lend an ear.

If you are confident in your ethics and morals, you shouldn’t concern yourself with the thought of how you will be with money. — Isaac Mashman

There is another quote that goes something like this “Money doesn't change you, it only amplifies who you actually are.” I believe this to be true.

To compete with your reflection, is to have already won long term. — Isaac Mashman

Yes, external competition exists but if you are competing against yourself with massive aspirations, you’ll surely be ahead of the next person.

Business is therapy for the dreamers. — Isaac Mashman

You can pour yourself into your business and in doing so will learn so much about your ambitions, insecurities, and problems. You may realize your pursuit comes off of the back of pain.

Public speaking is only bad if your clothes don’t fit correctly. — Isaac Mashman

Ever wear a suit that wasn’t tailored to you?

Humans have different emotional states that are here to serve us, if anything be redirected. Not to be tamed. — Isaac Mashman

Like animals have instincts, so do we. Learn to master each one of your emotions and understand what triggers them.

Personal development is a lifelong commitment to excellence. — Isaac Mashman

I coined the Health Hexad which covers the 6 areas of potential. Emotional, Fiscal, Interpersonal, Mental, Physical, and Spiritual. All of these require work so they do not atrophy.

Your “why” should be centered around yourself. If you’re not taken care of, how do you ever expect to take care of others? — Isaac Mashman

It’s great to take care of others and do good in the world, however, the better off you are, the better others will be too. I view this as my own version of Adam Smith's “The Invisible Hand”

My purpose on this planet is to live up to my potential, everything else just adds to the experience. — Isaac Mashman

Falling back to the Health Hexad and the previous quote, the closer I am to my indefinite infinite potential, the more fulfilled I will be. Each supplemental experience improves and adds to my life on Earth.

Even the master plan has room for improvement. — Isaac Mashman

I believe all things can be improved. From the smallest comma and space in this article to the nicest skyscraper on earth.

To dwell on the lack thereof is a mental trap the majority of visionaries are taught to do. — Isaac Mashman

Visionaries and big thinkers if you will, are cursed with insights and an insatiable hunger for that which they do not have. I believe this is why many of the greats throughout history were prone to mental ailments.

Minor inconveniences are just that, and nothing more. — Isaac Mashman

It can be easy to obsess and escalate small inconveniences into something more. This is counterproductive.

The best bet is in yourself, the second best is in a cup of coffee. — Isaac Mashman

Anyone who knows me knows I can’t live without a cup of coffee each morning. I often have one when I go to events, into podcast interviews, and as I work throughout the day.

Lead how you like to be led. — Isaac Mashman

I can’t stand hypocrites. Those who tell you one thing and do the opposite.

Your results are testaments of your actions, not your promises. — Isaac Mashman

Promises do not create results. Actions do. Never make a promise you can not or will not keep.

Thank you for reading through the various original quotes. If you would like to use any of these quotes all I ask is that you attribute the original author (Isaac Mashman) and that you leave a do-follow link to isaacmashman.com.

Much love,

Isaac Mashman



Isaac Mashman

Addicted to coffee and standards. I help create, maintain, & scale unrivaled personal brands through my PR firm Mashman Ventures. Author, Investor, Speaker